Following the footsteps of a relative and drawing inspiration from a veteran mentor Mr. Vidyaratna and the powerful inspiration received from Mrs. Tara S Swamy was more than sufficient for Shyam to scale great heights in academics and career as well. Pursuing his own dreams and vision, Shyam has made it to the Software field. Today he is a successful Software Engineer specialized as Backend engineer. Having graduated from Malnad College of Engineering, Shyam shifted to Paderborn University, Germany for post graduation. Now for a decade he is settled in Germany with his family and following his dream career and enjoying his field of work.
Shyam has to his credit his Masters and a few scientific papers that he has presented. He is a great lover of cricket, swimming, cycling, running and cooking.
During his schooling, he had also sailed through smoothly some turbulence. It goes without saying, the relentless support and the hard work of Tara mam helped both the Institution and the students to cruise through these obstacles and hurdles and withstand every tribulation and stand today at the helm of the society.
“Keep learning, keep enjoying and don’t compromise with anything. Listen to your teachers !!!”